Hey kha-like woman

At first hey kha didn't understand what Juan was saying. Juan pressed her with something she didn't know. However, if she pretended not to know, everything would definitely be destroyed

"Juan..all this is just a misunderstanding, I have nothing to do with that man,I really.."

 Juan took his cellphone and looked for photos of Hey Kha when was with Sho Ju. but Juan did not find it.

 Juan called Robin and asked what it was.

 "Where are the photos hey kha when she was with her male friend .. ???"

 Robin became confused by what Juan asked.

 "What photo, master.??"

 Juan also said to Robin.

 "The photo Hanna showed me ... Then call Hanna, so she can explain herself."

 Robin looked surprised to hear that.

 (How do I call someone who has long died Mr. Juan you really tortured me too much ..).

 hey kha who heard it say.

 "Realize Juan ... Hanna has long been dead and what photo did you say. ??"