Thika annoys Juan

Thika was so surprised to see a wound that was so big, suddenly her tears fell, Juan who saw it asked.

"Why are you crying. ?? I'm in pain but you are crying."

Hey kha muttered at that time, Juan who heard it asked Thika.

"What did you just say .. ??"

thika answered Juan's question with a frown.

"I'm singing..Do you want to hear it .. ??"

while looking at Juan.

they looked at each other.

That view was shattered when someone knocked on the door and entered.

It turns out that it is a fake hey kha who lives in the Yin family's house, Thika herself is so surprised to see a woman who looks so much like her.

hey kha who saw a woman who was treating Juan feeling jealous then approached and pretended to be cute.

"Honey, who is she ?? and why is she crying.,,?"

Juan stared at thika at that time, thika said to hey kha fake.