
hey kha was just silent when aunt Sherly slapped her. her tears kept falling not because Sherly aunt slapped her but because she saw her grandfather who was in the ICU room.

hey kha tried to go inside but sherly aunty held her and asked security to take hey kha out of the waiting room.

Hey kha told the security to let her go then left without saying a word.

Hey kha just don't want to make a fuss because his grandpa is sick right now.

Hey kha came out full of disappointment into the hospital lobby and accidentally bumped into Aroun.

"I'm sorry .., I didn't mean to."

Said hey kha to the person she just hit it.

Hey kha who realized that the person was just silent raised his head to look at the person. hey kha was so surprised to see Aroun staring at her with a thousand questions.

Hey kha also wiped the tears on his cheeks and greeted Aroun.

"aroun ..., sorry I did not see while walking and accidentally bumped into you."