Hey kha save mission

Juan entered with the escort of two of Alan Su's bodyguards. they pointed a gun from behind Juan.

Juan remained calm and entered the warehouse. there was already Alan waiting for Juan's arrival.

Juan looked around but did not see hey kha. Alan who saw who looked left and right smiled.

"The person you are looking for is not in this place. but dhe is here .." said Alan who looked happy, while pressing the button that shows hey kha and Eline ( fake hey kha ) who are sitting close together while tied to a chair with their eyes tied and their mouths stuffed with cloth.

Juan was furious to see what Alan was doing to hey kha and wanted to run to hit Alan face but Juan held back his emotions.

"At that time I should not have let you go and just finish you off. so you don't disturb my family anymore." Juan looked angrily at Alan.

Alan laughed at what Juan said.