Keep an eye on Hey kha

While, in the plane hey kha never once greeted Juan. Because if she greets Juan, Hey kha fears his heart will melt and can no longer leave Juan.

Juan himself can only submit to seeing hey kha who often ignores him.

Juan busy himself by doing office work so that he does not feel annoyed with the attitude hey kha.

The plane had landed and they arrived safely.

Aroun's friends came to pick up hey kha and also Mr. Tan to stay at the house that Aroun had provided for them.

Juan who saw hey kha go, hoping that hey kha can turn around to see it. but hey kha didn't turn around at all to see Juan.

Juan himself waited for the next flight because he just came to deliver hey kha only.

Juan had to fly from Korea to Indonesia to take care of business in Indonesia.

Juan called Robin who had already flown to Indonesia.

"Have you arrived…??" Ask Juan to Robin.

"Yes sir, I was checking in at a hotel in Bali." Answer Robin.