A hope

Adelia called Robin, since, earlier. However, Robin did not pick up to the phone from her.

Adelia was so worried, because Robin did not pick up to the phone and also the message she sent. Robin's cellphone is on the table, and it's silent without a ringing tone. While Robin was chatting with Elisa.

Robin took his cellphone then saw several calls from Adelia and also a message from Adelia.

(Are you busy at work ? I've been calling you but you don't pick up, if you're not busy call me.)

That's the content of the message Adelia sent to Robin.

Robin smiled happily to receive a message from Adelia and then replied to the message.

(I am busy right now, but after my work is done. I want to invite you to have dinner together. I hope you agree, )

Adelia, who received the message from Robin, was very happy.

"I love you so much Robin …"

While kissing his cellphone because of his pleasure, which cannot be expressed in words.