Finding out where Sho Ju is

Juan who saw hey kha crying, put the tea glass he was holding onto the table. Then lifted hey kha from his wheelchair to Juan's lap.

Hey kha surprised about that Juan slowly smoothed Hey kha's hair which was wet with tears then wiped the tears hey kha with his hands.

"I'm sorry for making you worry...,"

Juan hugged tightly, hey kha.

Hey kha hugged Juan's body back while still crying.

"Why do you keep crying? I'm fine, nothing hurts me or makes me sick." said Juan while rubbing his back, hey kha gently.

Hey kha say to Juan.

"We really are outrageous Juan, I'm so worried to see you who are standing outside the apartment with a body shivering with cold."

"I won't do it again, I promise." said Juan to hey kha, releasing his hug.

Juan touched heykha's lips then said.

"I miss you so much that I can't help it, I really miss you hey kha."

Then Juan kissed the lips, hey kha slowly.