Azam Wang's anger

Adelia looked left and right to see if Jody was with Alan, but Adelia didn't see Jody's figure.

Adelia turned and left, but Alan ordered his bodyguards to catch Adelia. Azam who heard this, glared at Alan's collar.

"Stop!" Said Alan in a cold tone.

Suddenly the bodyguard who was about to chase Adelia stopped and it made Alan surprised.

"Why did you stop them? Do you know who that girl is ?!" Said Alan who asked Azam.

Azam told Alan with a serious and stern face.

"I don't want to hear anything! Don't ever touch anyone who lives in this house, otherwise? I won't forgive that. Even if it's you!"

Alan is surprised because Azam protects Adelia. But Alan does not want to give up this opportunity.

"Juan Yin.!"

Azam, who heard Juan Yin said, was very surprised and glared at Alan.

"If you still want your tongue? You shouldn't mention that name."

Alan again told Azam.

"The girl's name, Adelia, right?"