Continue to chase Adelia

Adelia was so surprised to hear what Ivania said, but if you think about it, only Ivania can help her at this time.

 Adelia can only be sure that Ivania will definitely not do something bad to her.

 Adelia went to the room to change her clothes.

 After finishing changing her clothes Ivania asked Adelia to sit in front of the dressing table.

 "What else will you do?"asked Adelia to Ivania at that time.

 Ivania also said to Adelia.

 "I have to put make up on your face, so they can't recognize you later, do you understand?! Sit down and leave it to me."

 Adelia could only give up whatever Ivana was doing at that time, when she finished Ivania took the wig in her closet and put it on Adelia.

 " Done." said ivania to Adelia while turning in the mirror.

 As if Adelia couldn't believe the result of Ivania's make-up, Adelia looked very different. Adelia seemed to see another figure in front of the mirror.