Hey kha question

Hey kha who saw Yanmi acting like asking for protection from Juan laughed sarcastically at her.

 "Tch ... you don't need to be stupid like that in front of me. !! This is really disgusting. !!"

 Juan was surprised to hear harsh words from the mouth hey kha.

 "What are you saying.?! Why do you say such a thing?"asked Juan to hey kha.

 Hey looked at Juan and said.

 "What's wrong, juan?! You want me to be an innocent girl forever and you will always be tricked.?! You no longer need to interfere with my business from now on, you just take care of that little fox beside you.!"annoyance hey kha was at its peak when she saw Juan stepping into the Yin family's house and took Yanmi with him.

 Juan is getting annoyed at the words from hey kha which he thinks is too much.

 Juan walked away leaving hey kha with an annoyed face. Hey kha surprised Juan and said.

 "You forgot your beautiful girl ..."