Surprise from Azam

Robin was devastated to see that, her tears slowly fell.

(You. What kind of woman are you Adelia. ??).

Robin muttered in his heart.

aroun asks Azam to stop it all.

"Stop it Azam, Adelia has nothing to do with our problem .. !!"

Azam leaves satisfied when he sees Aroun devastated to see his sister being humiliated like that.

(I want you to feel what Lilian feels .. !! I hope Adelia does the same thing as Lilian did, which is KILLING YOURSELF. !!).

Azam muttered in his heart then left them all.

Juan could not hold Azam at that time, because Azam was not just anyone.

With today's incident it is not enough to imprison Azam, especially if this gets to the media, Adelia's reputation will be destroyed.

Juan really knows what Azam wants, because the incident at that time related to his younger sister, Juan happened to be there at that time.

when Lilian's younger brother from Azam decided to jump into the deep lake.