Did Juan become a ghost?

"did Juan really become a ghost granny ..??!! aaa.. aaa..aaa"

 hey kha tears suddenly broke at that time.

 Aunt Lauren and also Robin couldn't help but laugh when they saw hey kha like that.

 suddenly hey kha was surprised when she heard Juan's voice.

 "why are you crying like a child..? are you not ashamed..!!"

 hey kha turned around and held back her tears, hey kha pointed at Juan and said to grandma and the others.

 "Can you see it..??"

 Robin answered the question hey kha .

 "See what miss..?? what are you pointing at..?"

 hey kha continued to cry pointing at Juan who was holding back his laughter.

 "That.. Juan.. he is standing in front of us, is it..?? "

 they all shook their heads looking at hey kha, who said they neither saw nor heard anything.

 hey kha looked at Juan then immediately sat squatting between them.