
Juan got water for hey kha and gave it to hey kha but hey kha refused.

Juan stood in front of hey kha and said .

"You want me to bribe ..??"

Hey kha surprised to hear what Juan said , then took the glass Juan was holding .

Juan smiled at that and said .

" Good girl .."

After drinking the water , hey kha glared at Juan and said .

"This is all because of your fault. Why are you in my room..??!!"

Juan scratched his head smiling at hey kha .

" Ah .. that .. I miss Hy Ju , that's why I came .. about this room , eyebrows and hy Ju who told me to occupy it last night because you were on picket and will come home this morning . But who would have thought that you came home last night ..."

Juan said defending himself , while hey kha was getting annoyed hearing Juan 's words .

Juan glanced to the left and right looking at the room hey kha, hey kha who saw it looked surprised.