Looking for trouble

 Juan continued to work without realizing that it was night, when Juan called to pick up hy Ju but his eyebrows said that he had picked up hy Ju.

 Juan knew that it was on orders from hey kha , Juan continued his work .

 Arrive at 19:00 pm or 7 pm.

 Juan called hey kha to ask him to have dinner together but hey kha didn't pick up his cellphone.

 Because Juan's feelings were also uncomfortable from earlier, Juan went downstairs to meet hey kha at the hospital.

 Accidentally when Juan wanted to get into the elevator he bumped into someone who was carrying a woman on his back.

 Another guard glared at Juan then they left while Juan got into the elevator going downstairs.

 (They kidnapped a woman...).

 Juan thought at the time.

 Juan's feeling was getting more and more uncomfortable, I don't know what made him more nervous, but after smelling the perfume in the elevator, it seemed that Juan was familiar with this perfume.