Come back to me

Hey kha who saw Juan was asleep tried to go call outside the room but Juan was still holding his hand tightly.

Hey kha decided to send a message to the eyebrows, saying that he was at the hospital looking after Juan, and asking for help to make porridge for Juan and take him to the hospital.

Hey kha also gave news to Robin because Robin had been calling since last night , because he was worried about Juan 's condition , hey kha did not pick up or return calls and messages from them .

The only thing on hey kha's mind at that time was Juan, he didn't even think about people's views or comments when he cried in the ER last night.

When Juan is sleeping, hey, he always checks Juan's pulse and also his heart rate.

Hey, I'm afraid that Juan will sleep and won't wake up again, there's been so much trauma that has followed him all this time, especially when it comes to Juan, hey, he'll definitely panic.