2 i am a......

For a while the little soul could see nothing, only darkness. He shivered thinking he was back in the dark dimension. He didn't want to go back to that hell anymore.

After that little thought, he noticed that a small light, at first barely noticeable, was growing in front of him as he tried to open his eyes.

Once fully open, what he glimpsed before him was a forest. The trunks of the trees had a diameter of 3 meters, with a height of at least 20 meters.

'' I have never seen such large trees '' he thought before glimpsing the distant figure of a village among the dense trees of the forest, one he had seen many times when he was still on earth. '' Konoha '' he whispered

At least I didn't come across a village I don't know about.

As he was contemplating the busyness, he realized that his height was ridiculously low, even for a child.

'' have I reincarnated as a newborn? he thought fearfully

Looking down to look at his hands, he realized that, NO, he wasn't a baby, HE WAS NOT EVEN HUMAN.

What he saw were not two hands but two paws, covered with white hair with blue streaks.

The moment he saw his han .. Paws a terror assaulted him, how can I survive as an animal in a world full of ninjas? Maybe I can find the damiyo's wife, and replace Tora, NO, better not.

I could live as a pet of some civilized family, so I won't be in danger with the Shinobi.

'' wait ... In Naruto's world even animals can use Chakra, I can do it too. '' he said with euphoria.

First I have to find out what I am reincarnated into

Not far away the little animal caught a glimpse of a puddle.

It must have rained recently

Approaching, looking into the water, what he saw were two teal eyes, with a vertical black pupil as sharp as a blade.

Ironically, I was reincarnated as a white cat with lightning blue streaks and white whiskers framing a pretty face. Ah, I'm really cute.

Ok, now that I understand what I am, the next step before going to konoha is to unlock my Chakra.

I sit down and try to meditate, focusing on feeling the energy within me. After two hours have passed, I can feel a core of energy below the navel, I try to direct it through the chakra networks.

Boom ... I feel a strong pain, due to the chakra passing through my body for the first time. After the pain and general numbness, I feel an increase in strength intoxicating every single cell in my body.

Now that I have unlocked my chakra I just have to train to be able to control it, and then I will head to konoha.