
"A snake? ..." I say a little surprised

 I manage to avoid being bitten by a hair, and I turn towards the direction of the attack, to see the attacker.

 And it doesn't take a genius to figure out who attacked me at that moment.

 "ku ku ku, we finally meet again little Raijin" he says licking his lips with his disgusting tongue

 "Are you happy to see me? I see you have a new, latest model body?"  I ask with irony as I begin to move in another direction, so as not to get in the way of the battle between Kakashi, Naruto and the Asuma team against Hidan and Kakuzu.

 "Why are you here Orochimaru?"  I ask with curiosity

 "Ku ku ku, last time I couldn't kidnap Sasuke, so this time I was hoping I could. Too bad he didn't come, but I think I'll take care of you now" he says with a killer look

 "Don't tell me that you ... Do you want my body?"  I say with feigned fear as I back away

 "ku ku, stop talking," he says, as he pulls snakes out of his sleeves, heading towards me

 He seemed a bit annoyed while doing that "ku ku"

 I see the snakes heading towards me, but I decide not to dodge.  Why should I?.  I use a Thunder Shock, which burns them as soon as they make contact.

 "Snif snif. Umh, they smell good, should I try to taste?"  I say after having shortened them to perfection with my lightning bolt.

 But before he can think of anything else, I see him bite his finger, and use the recall technique.

 From which a snake as high as a mountain appears.

 "Orochimaru, you still owe me more human sacrifices, this time it will be double," he says in a disgusting voice

 "Sure, now get ready, either kill him or the other shinobi in the leaf, and then ..."

 "And then, nothing. Because I don't think you'll be able to get out of here alive," I say as I put some Chakra on the bracelet around my neck.  Three drums come out on my shoulders, one with the "POISON" Kanji and the other with the "KING OF THE FOREST" Kanji, while the last one is still translucent.

 I use my tail to hit the drum with the "KING OF THE FOREST" Kanji.  Once this is done, I see the lightning gathering in front of me, forming the figure of a tiger completely made of lightning.  Whose dimensions do not disfigure with those of Manda.

 "Destroy that snake" I say sending the tiger towards Manda.  As I make my way to Orochimaru who seems surprised by the lightning tiger I created, but quickly regains his composure as he prepares to fight me.

 He walks away, not wanting a Taijutsu fight against me.  When it comes to agility, I'm second to none, so using Taijutsu against me is very risky.

 I see other snakes coming in front of me, these are of a larger size than the previous ones.  But I still manage to avoid them with ease, and counterattack with a Thunder Shock, which heads towards him.

 Seeing him avoid the attack, it doesn't discourage me, on the contrary, I smile, and control the attack from a distance.  Making him deflect, and direct him again.  I can hit it, but I see it's not very effective, so I have to think of a way to end the fight.

 In the distance I see that Manda can no longer resist the tiger's attacks, and in a snort he runs away from the battle, shouting curses at Orochimaru.

 On the other hand, seeing Naruto preparing to use the Rasenshuriken, I have an idea to end the fight.

 I recall the tiger, who still has some energy left, and began attacking Orochimaru with controlled lightning strikes, trying to make him back off towards Kakuzu.

 Then I see that Naruto is about to attack with the Rasenshuriken, so I send the trusty tiger to attack Orochimaru, who responds by summoning three strange gates, managing to stop his advance.  But in the meantime, I haven't been idle, but started running towards him, use Quick Attack, and hit him in the stomach, sending him flying towards Kakuzu.

 POV Naruto

 "Rasenshuriken !!"  I scream as I throw my new technique at Kakuzu

 I see him try to escape, but then a figure is thrown at him, and they both get hit by my technique.

 Once hit the target, the rasen-shuriken "explodes" in an infinite multitude of chakra needles that hit every single cell of the body, of Kakuzu and Orochimaru

 "I think it's over" I say with a sigh

 "yeah, but to be sure" I hear from behind me, I turn around and see Raijin forming a Rasengan from the mouth, but it doesn't look like a normal Rasengan, I can glimpse a multitude of lightning bolts trapped inside

 And just as I want to take another look, I see him shooting towards where I shot the Rasenshuriken.  The two techniques seem to join together, tripling the scope of the attack.  inside the dome, I see tornadoes covered with lightning strike the two inside, burning them, and cutting them, mercilessly.

 "I'm almost sorry for them," I say in a low voice

 "Naruto, with the Ninja, you must never be too sure" I hear Raijin say

 "Yes you are right"

 "now let's go and see the situation, be careful" he says alertly

 "yes" I say seeing that the technique has stopped

 POV Raijin

 I approached the crater, and I see two burned bodies, one of which seems still alive I approach, and I hear a faint voice "I ... I cannot die ... I am ... Immortal"

 "Orochimaru ... No one is immortal" I say, before I cut off their heads with Scratch.

 Eventually, even monsters bleed and die ...