
After having lunch Fukasaku, he takes us to a spot in the forest, with lots of toad statues.

 Naruto still hasn't recovered from lunch, and I can almost see him throwing up on the floor.

 "Now there is no time to feel bad ... Time for training," says Fukasaku before continuing the explanation

 "Now you two will learn Senjutsu, Raijin should be easier for you. You are an animal, so you have a closer relationship with nature"

 "But what is Senjutsu?"  Naruto asks with confusion in his voice

 "Senjutsu, it is none other than the Nature Chakra, is everywhere, in everything around you"

 "So in addition to using the physical energy, and the spiritual energy, which make up your Chakra, you will unite them with the Nature Chakra. Which will take your Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu to other levels of power" he says slowly.

 Then Fukasaku, approaches a stone statue about ten meters high, turns towards us, to look at us

"Now I'll give you a demonstration," he says, before putting his Webbed hands under the statue, lifting it off the ground, without difficulty, to my and Naruto dismay.

 "To start the workout, what you have to do is feel the natural energy. It's a way to do it, and not move a muscle. I'll help you with that," he says with a sadistic smile.

 He approaches a waterfall, takes some oil, and smears it on Naruto's hand, which turns into a webbed hand.  Before being hit with a stick by Fukasaku, which returns him to normal

 "If you can't control the nature chakra, it will turn you into a toad, those statues around us, it's all the practitioners who haven't made it."  He says with caution

 "Do you still want to try?"  He asks with curiosity

 "yes, I will never give up" Naruto says with a smile

 "For me it's the same," I say, but in reality I hesitate a little. But if a toad hits me with a stick, is it still violence against animal?


 A week has passed, and thanks to Fukusaku's , I have begun to perceive and store natural energy, I believe I will be able to learn before I have to return to the village.

 Natuto is going a little slower, Fukasaku was right, it is much easier for me to perceive natural energy.

 What happened, when I first absorbed the nature chakra, it was amazing, I never expected to become ...

 "Raijin, come and time for lunch!"  I feel Naruto distract me from my inner speech

 "Arrival!"  I yell back


 Today is the day I will return to Konoha, I'm a little sorry, I really like this place surrounded by nature. But I still prefer to come back, my food supplies are almost gone.

 I learned how to use Senjutsu, but when I return, I must be able to perfect it.  Naruto is also doing great, for now there are still flaws, as he still has some signs of the transformation into a toad, like Jiraya.  But when I see him again in a month I know his mastery will be perfect.

 "Raijin, tell everyone, that training is going great, and that we will meet again in two weeks"

 I hear Naruto say with a smile on his face

 I look at him smiling and reply "it will be done"

 "then I'll take you home" says Fukasaku next to me

 And so we disappear in a smoke, but not before I can say "Naruto have a good lunch"

 "Ugh ...."


 It's a weird feeling, being summoned, in a moment, you're seeing the green of the trees, and the blue sky.  And in the next moment, you no longer see the sky, but the gray of a ceiling.

 "Raijin welcome back" I hear Tsunade say with a smile

 "I'm back as promised" I say

 After a few minutes of chatting, I decided to leave.  My training is not finished yet, what I have to do in these two weeks is to train even more assiduously, to be ready for Pain's arrival.

 Over the next few weeks, I will try to elementalize as many muscles as possible.  According to my estimate in that time frame, I can elementalize at most three limbs, if I spend all my time in training, still counting the time to sleep and eat.

 I have decided that I will elementalize the rear legs, for greater speed.  As for the other limb I had thought of elementalizing my right (front) leg.

 But now that I think about it, I could ...

"Hokage-sama is looking for you," says an Anbu who appears behind me, making me jump  frightened

 "I'll go right away, Anbu-san," I say gritting my teeth as I watch him go.  I'm sure he was laughing under the mask.

 If I find out who you really are, I swear you'll pay me.