
It has been a month since we first arrived on the island.

 Naruto's training went well, he managed to defeat the fox, thanks to Kushina's help, stealing the Kyubi Chakra, and entering his nine-tailed fox mode.  Then he trained to control his acquired power, playing with constructions, and trying to use the new Chakra, to use the Rasengan, eventually revealing himself as a way to use the Bijudama.

 I, on the other hand, while Naruto was training with Yugito, I continued to train, along with Matatabi.

 We trained together, and she also taught me her feline Taijutsu style, which focuses on quick movements and even faster attacks, using the instinct that is part of my animal self, to avoid attacks that I cannot see.

 Even the training to elementaryize my body went great, I was finally able to complete it.  The hardest part was elementaryizing my brain, but once I did, what happened really amazed me, I didn't expect that ...

 "Raijin!  Come on they are waiting for us for lunch "I hear from Matatabi behind me

 "I'm coming" I say as I get up and walk towards her.


 "What is that noise?"  I ask Matatabi with concern

 "There, there is smoke, something must have happened," she says while pointing in the distance, where you can see smoke.

 "We must hurry" I say urgently, as I start to run towards the smoke, with Matatabi, who disappears with a "poof" saying "Raijin, I precede you"

 ...... ..

 Pov Yugito

 "Damn, how they found us" I say urgently in my voice, looking at what is happening before my eyes

 "Madara!  Did you come personally?  What an honor "I say to mock him

 "Yeah, because of the cat, I don't have many subordinates left.  Kisame, you take the Kyubi, I'll take care of her, "he says, nodding to his subordinate

 I see that Naruto, enters his Kyubi mode and starts fighting with Kisame, he doesn't seem in trouble, he will be okay.  The only remaining problem is Madara, I don't think I'll be able to resist.


 Pov Raijin

 I have to hurry, I can't allow Akatsuki to take Matat… I mean Yugito, I can't let Madara take her away, plus Naruto is there too.  Faster, faster ...

 I am almost there, it is close, I can already hear the sound of battle.

 After another two minutes, which seems like endless hours, I finally arrive, where the battle is taking place, what I see is a Naruto with his nine-tailed fox mode, fighting against Kisame.

 "It looks like Naruto has the advantage, but with that sword, he might be in trouble.  Better to help out "I tell myself

 I stop and enter Senjutsu mode, as fast as possible, then, I approach, without being seen, towards Kisame, ready to attack.

 Then I see that Naruto seems to notice me, maybe it's due to his new modality, he nods to me, understanding my plan.  Then it creates a Rasengan, and attacks Kisame, who to dodge Naruto's attack, moves towards me.

 This is my chance, I think, as I leap towards Samehada, I grab my nails on the cloth covering the sword, and let it absorb my Chakra.

 After a couple of seconds, I see that Samehada is starting to petrify, even Kisame seems to notice it, but it's too late, because by the time he got distracted by seeing Samehada's condition, Naruto has already created a Rasenshuriken, and he has  hit in the abdomen.

 "Naruto, where is Yugito?"  I ask in a worried tone, not seeing her anywhere

 "she's fighting Madara over here," he says as he starts running towards a direction of the forest


 Pov Naruto

 In this mode, I have a greater perception than in the Senjutsu mode, and what I hear does not seem good, the Yugito Chakra seems unstable, almost non-existent.  I turn to Raijin, and I see him really worried, I've never seen him like this, better go faster

 After about thirty seconds, we arrive, in the place where the battle between Madara and Yugito took place, in the distance, I see what worried me, Madara holding an unconscious Yugito, by the throat.

 I see him turn towards us, and smile "this time you won't make it, cat"

 I turn to Raijin and see his body, covered in lightning, but not as it usually does, these lightning bolts are more messy, chaotic, and you can see a shade of red.

 "MADARAAAA !!!!"  I hear him growl at him, with deep hatred

 He then lunges at him at frightening speed, but is stopped by… Kisame?  He recovered

 "Cat, we'll meet again" Madara smiles under the mask, and disappears with Yugito

 "NOOO !!!!!"  I hear him scream with hatred at the masked man, after seeing Yugito disappear

 "Madara, you took my Most Important Person from me, I WILL KILL YOU !!!!!"  He says angrily, before he turns his gaze to Kisame

 "You too will die" he says throwing a Rasengan towards his head, the first one follows a second, then a third….

 After waiting for a while, I pluck up courage, and I approach "Raijin, he is dead.  The only thing we can do is win this war and free Matatabi, with the other animals in the tail "

 "Yes, I'll save her" I hear him say, as he looks into the distance with cold eyes

 This time, I think the masked man made it really big.