
Following Tsunade's plan, the Raikage and Naruto set off headlong towards Madara, the Raikage with his lariat, and Naruto with a Rasengan.

 "Speed ​​not bad, but not enough" says Madara dodging the two techniques, and trying to counterattack with a fire ball jutsu, directed towards Naruto and the Raikage, but is stopped by a ranged attack of the Kazekage, which creating a wall of sand  , He can barely block the attack.

 "The Kazekage, huh? Try to stop this!"  He says with a maniacal laugh, while he runs out of seals for his technique

 At first we fail to understand what this technique is, but a moment later we turn pale, seeing in the sky a huge meteorite heading towards us.

 "I'll take care of it," says the Tsuchikage as he prepares to use his powder release to destroy the meteorite before it can touch the ground.

 "We have to keep him busy while the Tsuchikage deals with the meteorite," I tell Tsunade, who reports to the others thanks to Katsuyu, who is with each of them, both to heal them and to bring his voice to them, in the shortest possible time.

 Then I turn around sensing someone coming behind me and seeing who it is, a good plan comes to mind

"Tsunade, I have a plan, contact the others and tell them to do as I tell you" I say taking her by surprise, but then seeing the newcomer, she turns to me and says "what should I do?"


 After explaining the plan to Tsunade, I see Naruto and the Raikage, rushing back to Madara, Tsunade also heads towards him, ready to fight.

 "Tsunade, you should stay behind, we need you as Doctor Ninja" shouts the Raikage seeing Tsunade rush into the fray

 "Without my help, you can't do it," he says, continuing to approach

 "And then that's part of his plan," he tells Raikage, without being heard by anyone else

 "well, but don't die, we need a Medical Ninja like you," the Raikage tells Tsunade

 "hn" Tsunade nods towards the Raikage

 It's time for me to come on the scene too, I can't stay on the sidelines, plus, I think trying to catch him off guard is useless.  But given that new players have emerged on the field, perhaps something can be done.

 "Oh, even the hokage makes its entrance, let's see how it is doing" says Madara, throwing a kick towards the Raikage, which manages to dodge, increasing the intensity of the lightning that covers it, and counterattacks with a punch, which  is blocked by the Gunbai of Madara.

 Naruto has meanwhile already made four Rasenshuriken, using Kurama's Chakra as auxiliary hands.  And he throws them towards Madara, who noticing the attack, avoids it, jumping into the air, where Tsunade is waiting for him, ready with his fist.

 But I see that Madara was already expecting all this, in fact, she has already finished the seals for the great Jutsu fireball, which she releases, on Tsunade, who is swallowed by the fire.

 "Hahaha, one out ... how?"  He says seeing a giant purple fist come out of the fire, being hit full-on, and smashed into a distant rock.

 "How do you use the Susano?" Madara says rising from the crater

 "I see, you should be Itachi, you disguised yourself as Tsunade, to attack me by surprise, but it won't work a second time" he says seeing Itachi, after the dust allows him to see beyond

 "Old Onoki has already taken care of my meteorite, why not send another one or two" he says smiling

 "Stop playing," I say coming out behind him, throwing two Thunder bolts at him


 My two attacks, I see them coming towards him, and I detonate him a meter away from Madara, who protects himself using the Susano

 "Not bad cat, it was a nice explosion" says Madara unharmed inside the Susano

 "But that's not enough ..." He says, but he is stopped by me, who points him in one direction, inside the Susano.

 I see him turn, to where I'm pointing, and see the Thunder Bolt, which I didn't detonate, now inside his Susano

 I smile at him and say "if that was not bad, what do you think of this?"


 My technique explodes inside Madara's Susano, but I'm sure it didn't end like this, so, I don't relax, and wait to see the situation

 "hahaha ... and for a long time, that someone hasn't hurt me. You deserved my respect, what do I call you?"  He says coming out of the crater caused by my attack, with some burns and all over the left side of his body

 I look at him, to assess the state of his injuries, and then I reply "my name is Raijin"

 "I advise the ants to stay out of our fight if they don't want to die. Now Raijin, let's dance !!!"