Awakening Of The 100,000-Year-Old Devil

Royal Capital, Chu Kingdom

In a particularly well decorated large bedroom of the royal castle, a figure eyes snapped open. His eyes roamed around the room with caution, taking in the festive mode which was exuded by the red lanterns, banners and flowers.

Another second, his eyes twitched from the soul-splitting pain he was experiencing. Memories started flooding his mind as he closed his eyes again.

'Xi Qiye, the only son of Duke Xi. A waste in cultivation, no personality, cripple in seducing woman—a vermin in every sense. Due to Duke Xi being the best friends with King Chu, he was betrothed to the second princess, Chu Xueli. Got married yesterday but collapsed just after the marriage. Honestly, this must be a joke. To think I, the greatest devil, was finally freed to occupy such a worthless body. But I guess I couldn't be too mad either, just getting out of that damnable abyss after 100,000years is already a blessing.'

The person who had awoken in Xi Qiye body was a devil monster who was trapped 'The Endless Abyss' for 100,000years. It was a place for those who committed the most heinous of crimes. His crime? Impregnating Goddess of light.

'That Goddess dared reject my advances. Raping her for 5,000 years wasn't enough for me to satisfy myself, probably I never will be, but it was enough to get her impregnated. If only those hypocrites didn't attack me when I was breaking through, they could never have captured me. Humph! Dogs of Supreme Realm, wait till I arrive at the Divine Realm, I will show you who did you mess with.'

In the world of wakening, he opened his eyes again; this time, there was someone else in the room.

"Are you alright?" A girl with waist-long golden hair was sitting next to him. She held an extremely gentle look in her eyes. Xi Qiye recognised her; it was his newlywed wife, Chu Xueli. Accompanying her was Mo Liuxi, the caretaker of Chu Xueli and Royal guard 3rd division's captain.

"I am fine." His serene voice raised Chu Xueli's eyebrows slightly. Xi Qiye didn't miss that.

"If so it's fine. You scared everyone when you suddenly collapsed after our marriage. You mother was anxious about you." A soft smile was tied to her ravishing face; it gave anyone who looked at her a relaxing peace.

"Are they gone back now?"

"Yeah. They departed last night after the royal doctor diagnosed you with light-headedness."

"Then our consummation is in order, right?" Xi Qiye who till now had a look of nonchalant suddenly looked at her with faintest of lust. His eyes roaming at the peeking flesh of her mounds.

Chu Xueli paused, a glint of well-hidden viciousness passed her eyes. After some second of silence, she uttered calmly, "your body isn't in shape right now. And I am already your wife, no need to hurry anything... lest you get hurt."

Xi Qiye nodded, respecting her concern.

"Seems like you are fine. I have somethings to do. Liuxi here will take care of your needs for today." Saying her piece, Chu Xueli stood up and began departing.


"Is there anything?" She halted her steps but only showed her back and uplifted curve of her lush rump.

"Are you happy with our marriage?"

Again a pause. Then she turned and gave a slow smile. "Yeah."


'It was her. The one who killed the original Xi Qiye. No doubt.'

When Chu Xueli talked about how he collapsed after their marriage, she was calm... almost too calm. If she thinks she can hide her emotions from a 100,000 years old devil like him, then she is 99,999 years too early.

It wasn't hard to imagine why she would do so, being tied to a man who was nothing but face and family, something someone of her position can find anywhere, this was bound to happen. But since he did take ahold of this body, he can at least fulfil the owner's last wish.

Just kidding... he was a devil. Even though he lost his body after trying to reincarnate using that forbidden technique he found in primordial ruins, he was in the truest sense—a Devil.

His mind focused for an instant, and he found himself in his soul space.

"Only Sovereign realm soul? So using that forbidden technique reduced my soul strength too."

His soul space was scarlet-red in colour, permeating a chilly and devilish aura. As he floated in the seemingly endless space, he arrived at the centre of the world, where his floating soul body was curled up. It was the size of a nail. Previously it was of the size of a full-grown man. He shook his head in frustration since he had to go through the safe struggle of improvising it. Luckily previously, he was a resident of Lower-level realm, and it took him thousand years to reach the Divine Realm. But earlier when he spread his soul sense, he discovered some Emperor Realm cultivators and even three Sovereign Realm ones. Concluding that he was at least in a Middle-level Ream.

In the hands of his Soul body, he discovered something that perked his eyes. It was a strange Ruby pearl. The moment he took ahold of it, his eyes widened marginally. It was pulsating—it was alive. But in his life, he has come across a ton of bizarre objects, even alive ones. But the reason for his shock being the Primordial level being aura emitting from it. Anything associated with the word 'Primordial' had an earth-shattering effect—even in the Divine Realm. He only had come across one Primordial treasure, and it was the ancient scripture which he used to reincarnate. It was related to the scripture?

Xi Qiye couldn't arrive at a concrete conclusion but one thing he was sure of—he hit the jackpot. The Ruby Pearl contained some sort of blood. What kind? He has no idea.

All this thought passed Xi Qiye in the fragment of a second. The moment his eyes regained focus of Ruby Pearl, a shimmering of blood-red light greeted him. It was glowing and breaking.

He knew it would have a visible effect on his body in the outside world, but Mo Liuxi was standing by his side. She wouldn't be able to guess the changes in his body but could possibly conclude that he had come across some treasure. If he has his previous cultivation, he would have destroyed this Kingdom to bury the secret, but now he is just a 2nd Level Body Refinement Level cultivator, even his scheming wife was 7th Level of Grandmaster Realm. Mo Liuxi was a 3rd Level Grandmaster Level Cultivator.

His mind raced, coming up with different ideas only to be discarded quickly. If he had even a minute, he could have come with something, but it was already too late.

Moments later, Xi Qiye felt the pressure as he was forcibly ejected out of his soul space.

Eyes snapping open only to discover his body imbuing with Primordial blood of unknown entity. Fumes of colourless, odourless attribute escaped his pores, filling the nuptial chamber in imperceptible aroma. Xi Qiye's perceived another set of memories, one which only held knowledge of techniques of Primordial blood.

"Primordial Incubus God."