Auction House (1st Part)

It's been a week since that night with Chu Yawen. Occasionally they would sneak out, or he would directly go into her bedroom in the middle of the night and start a fight. After all, she the perfect incubator to increase his soul strength.

"Aah! Aaah! More.. harder!" A hand to her mouth shut the third princess, Yawen's soul-stirring moans.

A man was riding her body from behind as she ungracefully arched her firm read-end high in the air. Their bodies filled with sweat moved in a well-practiced rhythm. Yawen's heart was drumming while the man was as calm as still water.

Listening to the hazy pleas, Xi Qiye's cock twitched. Pulling it out till only the tip was inside her drenched snatch, he slammed himself roughly, directly entering her womb.


Her body jumped forward in shock and pleasure. The surging rapture filled her mind, throbbing cock accommodating in every centimeter of her pussy. It was filled to the brim; even a hair couldn't squiggle its way through anymore.

Xi Qiye held himself there, only moving his waist in a circular motion and vibrating, pushing the girl into deeper euphoria.

A sudden contraction came, and they both erupted.

"Noo... so good!" She groaned and fell on bed-sheet, the curled toes uncurled and the tight grasp on pillows loosened.

A familiar post-coital languor assaulted her body. Giving a kiss to the person laying on her side, she said languidly, "I love you, big brother, Qiye."

"By the way, tomorrow you do remember that we have to go to the auction, right? Big Sis Xueli is coming with us."

"Yeah. Don't worry; I will come with you guys."

"Okay, ~." Mewing that, she said no more and fell asleep on top of his chest, like a kitty.

While softly caressing her silky-smooth, soft shoulder-length golden hair, Xi Qiye closed his eyes.

'One week of constant Dual-Cultivation with Mo Liuxi and Yawen had pushed me to 10th Level of Qi Condensation Realm, but I am starting to feel that the growth is slowing down. Hopefully, Liuxi will assemble all the ingredients I have asked from her tomorrow. I have to find new, powerful women.'


The Following Day.

Sitting within a royal carriage was Xi Qiye, Chu Xueli, and Chu Yawen. Mo Liuxi had something preplanned so she couldn't come, so replacing her as Royal Guard's 3rd Division Vice-Captain, Li Xiao.

"Second Princess, Third Princess, we have arrived." Li Xiao yelled from outside, and the carriage stopped.

"Let's go." Xueli grabbed Yawen's hand and exited the carriage. Since that night of the incident, she had been ignoring Xi Qiye, barely responding with hums and nods. Whenever she was with Qiye, her womanhood shamelessly starts secreting juices. No matter what she did to satisfy herself, never could she diminish the itch. The best way was to simply stay away from him, which didn't seem to be going well since they were husband and wife.

"Humph. Trash." Seeing Xueli walking ahead without Xi Qiye, Li Xiao, who had a crush on her, cursed Xi Qiye.

Xi Qiye had heard this from many people, even before he was reincarnated. Nothing that can faze him these days.

"Can't even retort? Xueli must have thrown you out of your room already. I wonder when you will be thrown out of the castle." Li Xiao came near him and sneered.

"Xueli? Its second princess for you, servant." Li Xiao's eyes narrowed instantly, but Xi Qiye licked his lips like he was remembering something and continued, "and thank you for your concern, but I still haven't been thrown out of our room. But you probably wouldn't know, after all, the one spending the night on top of her isn't you."

Li Xiao gripped his sword on the waist tightly, but Xi Qiye wasn't finished. This time, his eyes went towards the swaying hips of Xueli. "This is the closest you can get to her while I am going to bone that tonight. Hehe."

The moment he was about to drag his sword to finish Xi Qiye once and for all, someone thrust Li Xiao's sword back in the scabbard.

It was a girl with fiery red hair, around twenty-years: attractive ruby eyes and a fair complexion. Swords were tied to either side of her willowy waist. She was quite tall, around 6', inches shorter than Xi Qiye. Tight clothing that accentuated her alluring body made her look like a fine wine, ready to be sipped.

Xi Qiye's roamed her body from toe to head, stopping a couple of places before fixing at her cold eyes.

"I am saving you, and you are looking at me. Lecher." She snorted and, without saying anything, went past Qiye, not bothering with his feud any longer. A further grr escaped her lips when she felt a heated gaze checking out her rump, but she simply stomped ahead.

"What a fiery beauty! Who is she?"

"Humph! As expected, you don't even know that." By now, Li Xiao's anger had already dissipated a bit, and he could think with a clear mind. A sense of relief washed him, and he thanked that lady in his mind.

"She is Nanfeng Yunxi. Crown Princess of Nanfeng Kingdom. Our kingdom had always been on good terms with them, and she is also good friends with Second Princess, so she comes to visit here sometimes. I would advise you not to piss her off; she is already a King Realm Expert and the pride of Nanfeng Kingdom. Even though she is alone, the experts protecting her should be around here, and they are pretty strong."

"Ohh... a crown princess, huh?" Xi Qiye whistled playfully.

At that time, he felt a strong grip on his shoulders.

"I told you don't mess with her. You will strain out the relationship with the Nanfeng Kingdom." Li Xiao enunciated his words heavily, releasing a bit of 9th Level Grandmaster Realm's pressure. As he held Xi Qiye's shoulder, feeling no movement, his eyebrows raised. He didn't apply too much pressure, did he?

"Li Xiao, was it?" Xi Qiye turned around slowly, a small smile hanging on his lips while his eyes narrowed.

The moment Li Xiao saw those deep-red colored eyes, his body froze. Within two seconds, his back was drenched in sweat.

"I think you should mind your own business. What do you say?" His smile turned even wide, the menacing aura which contained enough bloodlust to froze his blood in circulation attacked Li Xiao's brain.

"Y-yeah. You are right." He stuttered some words out of his dry throat.

"That's good." The broad smile on Xi Qiye's faded, replaced by cold indifference.

Seeing Xi Qiye's gradually disappearing back into the entrance auction house, Li Xiao took a deep breath. He released he hasn't taken a breath for over thirty seconds.

"What was that?"


This auction house was the biggest one in Royal Capital, meaning the biggest in the Chu Kingdom. It was under the control of Duchess Jing. This auction was considered the most valuable one, a yearly event, where you could find almost anything you want. So people from different friendly Kingdoms joined it sometimes too.

Once he was inside after showing the entry pass, his eyes directly spotted Chu Yawen and Chu Xueli with two different men.

"When will the auction start?" While the group, or rather the two desperate guys were trying to get Chu sisters' attention, they heard a calm voice.

Chu Xueli glanced at the man coming towards them in even steps. Her eyes shined with a new light; it was hard to imagine that this man was the same guy who couldn't even walk straight in their marriage, but now he had a small smile on his face, and his footsteps had a certain weight to them.

"Who are you?" The guy trying to talk to Chu Xueli this whole time asked Xi Qiye with a frown.

Another man of short stature who had a hair full of brown hair spoke with disdain. "Big Brother Chen, he is Xi Qiye. The famous waste of Duke Xi."

"Ohh!" Jing Chen examined Xi Qiye. "Only 3rd Level of Body Refinement Realm? Really a waste." Turning to Chu Xueli, he said with a smile, "Xueli, why don't you leave him and marry me already. I can ask my father to talk to His highness."

Chu Xueli didn't reply but simply looked at Xi Qiye. Chu Yawen was fuming, giving her an adorable appearance, but she knew her man wasn't some pushover.

Xi Qiye smirked. Walking behind Chu Xueli, he hugged her waist, placing his chin at her snow-white shoulders. Her charming body shuddered, but she didn't resist him. "Why does she need to marry someone else? I am more than enough for her. So Mr. Jing Chen, whose unrequited love is in another man's arms, why don't you leave her alone."

"What did you—" as the atmosphere was turning menacing, suddenly they heard a yell.

"Xueli! Yawen!"

They looked towards the direction the voice came to see a red haired girl jogging in their direction.

'Nanfeng Yunxi.'

"Big Sis Yunxi!" Yawen exclaimed and waved her hands happily.

As Yunxi came in their vicinity, her blooming smile froze seeing the man hugging Xueli. He gave her a smile and a wink in acknowledgment.

"What is this man doing here?! Get away from Xueli." Before anyone can react to her rambling, she asked Xueli. "Is he threatening you? Should I deal with him?" She was taking her sword out with a threatening look on her face.

"Sigh! Calm down Yunxi." Xueli said, lightly pushing Xi Qiye off her body, even though she strangely found comfort in his embrace.

Nanfeng Yunxi's eyebrows furrowed. She glanced around. Seeing no one was trying to punish Xi Qiye, a thought entered her mind.

"Is he?.."

"Yeah. He is my husband, Xi Qiye. Xi Qiye, she is Nanfeng Yunxi. My friend from Nanfeng Kingdom, the crown princess. Don't be disrespectful to her."

"Is that.. so? But still..." Yunxi glanced at the attractive face of Xueli, whose beauty rivaled her own and then she glanced at her so called husband who had a lecherous expression on his face as he shamelessly ogled her proud breast.

She gritted her teeth in anger but hilted the sword back. Taking Xueli and Yawen's hand, she pulled pulled them, leaving three men alone.

Xi Qiye shrugged his shoulders, wondering what went wrong.