Auction House (3rd Part)

Xi Qiye went to a corner and was about to take off [Soul Disguise] when a loud footstep coming straight at him stopped him. With a simple swoop of soul sense, he discovered it was Jing Fenfang.

What does she want now?

"Mister. Can I talk to you some more?" Jing Fenfang finding out Xi Qiye's hadn't left yet, had relief on her face.

"I believe the talk and deal are already done." He said flatly.

"Actually, I have some questions for you." It looked like she had trouble speaking out about her problems.

"Make it quick. But I won't answer all of them."

"Ok. I wanted to know if mister is from Sacred Grounds?"

"No comment." He replied instantly, indifferently.

"O-okay. Then, is mister versed in poison or know anyone accomplished in this aspect?" Her alluring voice contained a hint of helplessness and hope.

After a pause of a few seconds, he replied, "actually, I am kind of versed in poison."


"Why would I need to lie?" He gave a disdainful low snort.

Jing Fenfang knew she was acting out of character, but this was about her mother's survival, so she gritted her teeth and further asked. "I have a person who was bitten by Black Krait Snake, and now her life is in danger. For the last fourteen days, she hadn't been able to walk out of bed and is writhing in pain all the time. Is there a way you can help her?"

For the first time till coming here, Xi Qiye's interest was picked. "Who is that person to you?"


"If you are uncomfortable, it's fine."

She heaved a sigh of relief because if others knew who was poisoned, her family might be in danger. With hopeful eyes, she looked up to find Xi Qiye simply ambling away from her.

"W-wait, mister!" She yelled lightly—her bewitching voice stopping Xi Qiye in his tracks.

"Is there anything else? If you can't even trust to tell me the patient, there's no need to talk."

"It is my mother. Please, can you help her?" By the tone of her voice, which was borderline pleading, Xi Qiye understood how much her mother means to her.

A dark smile left his face, unknown to Jing Fenfang.

Just as he was wondering how to get this woman, she jumped right into his lap. What luck!

"I indeed do have a method to save her." Jing Fenfang's face bloomed tuning to him. "But why should I save her?" But the next one put her in a trance. Not because she didn't expect him to ask for something in return but because of the sudden playfulness in his voice. He was having fun?

She suppressed the anger and said, "My Jing Family is the richest family in this Kingdom. You can ask for any treasure under Emperor level, and I would arrange it. I can even grant you a certain percentage of ownership of our businesses, meaning you will get money without doing anything."

"The rewards sure are extravagant..." Xi Qiye paused to think for a second. Jing Fenfang was sure he would accept the offer; even a certain percentage of money from Jing Family businesses means millions of gold coins every month. Even though he may be from Sacred Ground, he couldn't possibly—"but I am not interested." Xi Qiye replied in a bored voice.

"T-then I will increase—"

"I am not interested in money."

Jing Fenfang felt Xi Qiye scan her body from top to bottom, leaving no place untouched. Anger boiled up from inside her heart, never did anyone gazed at her so wantonly. She took deep breaths and said, "how about you come to our house and take a look at the mother's condition first? I will try to fulfill your conditions then." She knew what he wanted, but she denied it, thinking maybe she could convince him with treasures at home.

"There's no need for me to go anywhere. A doze of Poison Killing Powder for three days is all she needs, and she will be healed." Xi Qiye sounded so sure that Jin Fenfang couldn't help but believe him.

"Problem is I don't have the required herbs."

"Our auction house will cover that." She said quickly before she shut her mouth, cursing herself. Previously, although her tone dawdled, it wasn't convincing that she would do anything for her mother.

"Hoho! you seem REALLY desperate."

Another inspection passed through her body. This time much stronger than the previous ones.

"All the talk about power and herbs is good and all, but you still haven't convinced me; why should I help your mother?"

In the heat of the moment, an idea came to Jing Fenfang's mind.

"It's because I am still not sure if I can trust you. You said it would take three dozes to heal her completely, correct?"


"If you made the first batch and if it worked, I would give what you demand."

An audible lecherous smirk left his mouth. "Anything?"

"...anything." Her voice sounded weak but lied within the depths of her eyes was viciousness.

"Seems like we have a deal." Hiding an emotion from the devil is like hiding a pussy—both WILL be split open.

"Hmm. Give me the list of items you need. And we should meet hereafter the auction."

"Sounds good."


Seeing Jing Fenfang walk away as her voluptuous ass involuntarily jiggled, a sneer left his mouth.

'Little woman from the mortal world playing tricks on me? Foolish.'

A wave of soul energy passed over his physical over, removing the neat trick she had used on his body without asking. It was a curse. If anyone is hit by it, a peculiar smell that is only be discerned by the person who cursed will follow them. Nothing can get rid of it... at least in these realms. Probably she got it from is from a Sacred Ground. It was too of a high level of technique for someone from this Kingdom.

Back in the room, Jing Fenfang felt the smell disappear... completely. In thin air, it disappeared. A solemn expression appeared on her face. This was going to be troublesome to explain later. But this did confirm her belief, and he truly was from a Sacred Ground. Meaning, he can maybe treat her mother.