Enzo's Family Part 2

From the many questions and topics of conversation, Rainer chose the topic of conversation that provoked her emotions?

"Enough," said Rainer, "neither is it important to argue."

Gaea bit her lower lip.

Why is Rainer so cold to her? Even though earlier in the restaurant, he was so protective of her that her heart was touched. She didn't understand Rainer's way of thinking, if Eryk was the type to use brutal words to express his feelings, Rainer was the opposite.

Gaea was surprised that Eryk and Rainer got along well, and what the hell? She has not answered and has been asked to be quiet.

Where has Rainer's caring gone?

"What did you say at the restaurant?" asked Gaea to open the conversation.

"You really don't understand the word 'enough', do you?" asked Rainer back.

Gaea clenched her fists in annoyance, "Can you stop acting like this? You did it for me so don't I have the right to know why, Rainer?"

Rainer didn't answer.

"Rainer," said Gaea impatiently.

"I did what I had to be your friend, and brother to Eryk," said Rainer.

"I've heard," said Gaea, "in more detail."

"Eryk and I are not good men," Rainer said looking straight at Gaea, seriously, "that's all I can say," He rose to his feet signaling disinterest as their conversation continued.

Gaea was dissatisfied with Rainer's answer, to her it was still ambiguous, not good men have many meanings, they both are not good in what way? That's the question.

Seeing Rainer walking back up the stairs to the top floor with his hands tucked into his trouser pockets signaled he didn't want to talk anymore.

"I'll find out about you guys sooner or later, you know," said Gaea, "you don't have to be so mysterious."

Rainer paused, "I know."

"Then why Rainer!?" asked Gaea, raising her voice a little.

Did Rainer know that it sucks to keep something important a secret? Moreover, also related to yourself?

"Because when you find out, I'll say to you: I told you so, didn't I?" said Rainer continued his footsteps, "just enjoy being Eryk 'fiancée'."

Gaea wanted to say a little more about her feelings but Rainer was already very cold, so she swallowed her feelings bitterly.

"Here's the chamomile tea."

"Eh ..." Tea? The soft floral scent touched her nose as Sebastian placed the cup on the table, calming her a little. Her eyes glanced at the cup filled with light yellow tea.

"How nice to see you again, Miss Gaea," said Sebastian, "Miss Gaea is prettier than last time we met."

"What?" Gaea was confused by this. She feels like she has never met Sebastian, why is Sebastian talking as if they have? Is she the one who forgot or Sebastian? "Have we met before?"

"Oh," Sebastian remembered something, "Miss Gaea must have forgotten because you're still a cute little girl."

"Oh," Gaea thought it made sense. When she was little, she didn't really pay attention to the people around her, she was too traumatized by her parents at that time to have to move out of town for the safety of her life.

Although in the end, she returned to New York again, but she had to change her family name because the perpetrator of the murder of her parents was still not caught until now.

"Please pay attention to Mr Eryk," said Sebastian.


"Sometimes Mr Eryk will do something beyond his limits," said Sebastian explaining softly, "Miss Gaea as Mr Eryk's fiancée would certainly do, right?"

"Ha ... ha ... ha ..." Gaea laughed awkwardly. Hearing Sebastian put great trust in her—the person he just met was like an invisible prick to her heart. How can she lie to someone like Sebastian about their fake proposal? Even so she replying, "I try."

Sebastian smiled softly, a smile so genuine it made Gaea smile too.

"You're not ready yet, Gaea?" Rainer's calm voice broke the silence of the living room.

"Getting ready ...?" Gaea wondered.

Rainer checked his cellphone first, containing the message from Eryk, "I forgot to tell you it seems."

"Yes?" asked Gaea impatiently, still not forgiving Rainer's cold attitude earlier.

"Let's go back to your apartment," Rainer said, still busy typing something on his cellphone.

"What!?" Gaea's eyes widen at once, "Why do you have to go there?"

Gaea doesn't understand, doesn't Rainer know the raid on her apartment so why come back? She is not sure the police will let them in.

"Because you'll start living here, Gaea."

Gaea paused, trying to understand what Rainer had just said.

Living together .... with Eryk and Rainer ...

Eryk and Rainer ...

"What!?" Gaea shouted in shock, "Are you kidding me!?"