Opportunity in Narrowness

Aizawa smiled, "Gaea-san," he called again.

Gaea immediately remembered Eryk's 'fiancée' status and smiled softly, but her smile didn't last long, something caught her attention, namely, a man she didn't recognize was beside Aizawa.


But the man brought a tray filled with two empty glasses, and a bottle of wine.

"If I may know, why are you here? Not with Eryk-san?" Aizawa asked, "The auction has already started."

"Sorry, I don't like being the center of attention," said Gaia in embarrassment, "Uh, why is Aizawa-san here?"

"I'm just like you, not really into crowds. I prefer to see the 'situation', Gaea-san," Aizawa explained calmly.


Isn't Aozora going to discuss the auction? Aizawa is one of Eryk's business partners, so he must be invited to discuss the auction, right?

But ... the auction has already started, which means it's only natural for Aizawa to be here.

But, Gaea has a bad feeling about this.