Lost Memories

Gaea could see that Rainer was unconscious. She immediately ran over, and sat next to him, and untied all the ropes on his body, "Rainer! Wake up!"

Alex sat beside Rainer, shaking his brother hard, "Rainer! Wake up! Wake up, man!"

Gaea wondered why Rainer was still unconscious. She was sure the sound of Kervyn and Eryk's gunfire would catch his eye, it didn't. She checked his head, whether there was a wound or not.

There is.

Gaea winced at the blood-dried wound on the back of Rainer's head. She blamed herself again because he did so because she asked for wine, "Rainer, please wake up. I beg you," she muttered as she removed the bandage on his mouth.

Rainer's brows moved slightly, then his lips groaned softly.

"Rainer ..." Gaea called softly, her heart was happy that Rainer finally woke up from his sleep.

Rainer raised his head, then groaned feeling the pain in the back of his head, "What happened ...?"