Little Eryk

Eryk sat silently in the shooting practice room. While waiting for Gaea, he reread the letter about Katherine.

At the end of the letter was written: Mr K, and 'you will not be able to catch me, Young Master Enzo'.

Mr K's writing ends with a heart symbol.

Katherine often adds a heart symbol to her messages after they officially dating.

Although bitterly admits his carelessness in accepting Katherine's request to go to his home alone, he can narrow down the suspicious people.

Eryk believes it was Kervyn who kidnapped Katherine. Apart from Mr K's writing which according to him was the initials of his brother's name, Kervyn loved to mock him by calling him Young Master Enzo.

Eryk suspects that Kervyn's intention to kidnap Katherine is just to make her miserable because Katherine is his real girlfriend.