It's Okay

Gaea looked down sadly, "I just ..." she paused to take a deep breath, "I'm just ... scared, Eryk. You see me so pathetic, don't you? I'm really ashamed ..." she said with lips trembling with fear.

"Gaea ... look at me," said Eryk seriously.

Gaea turned away.

"Listen to me, Gaea," Eryk said this time in a softer voice, "I don't see you like a pitiful woman. You only brought out your weakest side at that time. That's all."

Gaea still can't accept Eryk's opinion, "But ... I'm sure you must have thought like that, right?"

"I don't," Eryk answered, slightly raising his voice. He was disappointed by Gaea's negative thoughts about him, "I understand how hard it is to rise from the trauma we go through."

"You understand ...?"

"Yes," Eryk muttered, "because I've felt it before."

"Are you traumatized by seeing a gun?" Gaea asked curiously.