Tricked Question

After paying the agreed auction fee, Eryk was asked to wait in the middle room on the fourth floor. Before that, he asked where Rainer was, but the security officer answered that he didn't know. He knew Rainer liked to be alone, but leaving all this time wasn't very natural.

Is there something?

'This business isn't over yet, but there are others."

Eryk checked the watch on his hand. He had been waiting here for more than thirty minutes like a fool. He started to wonder if this was Kervyn's trick again, his brother really knows how to piss him off, "Oh," he saw two men walking towards him holding a woman he knew who, without thinking twice, he immediately approached, "let her go."

They obeyed, then released their grip on the woman's upper arm.

The woman gently stroked the place where the guy's grip was now red before the two men, then looked at Eryk sadly and fearfully, "Eryk ... you came ..."