Katherine's Confession

How long has Eryk held back from seeing Gaea? Eleven years? The same time after his father's death. He couldn't meet her because he lived in an orphanage.

"Good Morning, Mr Eryk."

Eryk woke up from daydreaming after hearing Gaea's sweet voice again, "Come here."

There was no answer, but the sound of walking shoes approaching him slowly.

"Yes, Mr Eryk?"

Eryk finally turned his head to see the figure of the little girl he had missed for years.

Eryk stared at the pair of green eyes that were so beautiful, still the same as before, unchanged, still radiating her beautiful emerald, finally his eyes looked at her body which was now almost as tall as him, the effect of the black heels on her beautiful long legs.

Gaea changed from a little girl to a beautiful young woman.