Eyes On Me

"I just assumed, when I wanted to call the police, the signal in your room was bad but it wasn't in other rooms," said Gaea, scratching her arm nervously, "that's why I thought someone was bugging your room."

"I understand," Eryk answered softly. Even if there was, he was sure it was from Ferdinand because he was the traitor.

"Want me to check?" Rainer asked, offering himself.

"No need," Eryk refused, folding his arms across his chest with a defiant gaze, "Aren't you busy? You want to tell someone your big secret, aren't you?"

Rainer's body stiffened for a moment, before returning to normal. He understood now, Eryk tried to provoke his anger. He will not give up this time, "I'm so honored you care about my problem."

"Of course. What's the use of brotherhood if we don't care about each other?" Eryk asked back with a big grin on his lips.