Ony This Time ... This Time ...

Gaea coughed nervously.

What did she hear just now?

"What ...?"

Rainer let go of his hug, turned Gaea around so she would look at him, "Can I kiss you?" he repeated his request still with a serious expression.

Gaea was at a loss for words.

Rainer really lost his mind.

Gaea has not had time to respond, Rainer has brought his face closer to her and even tilted his head, she hastily closed her lips.

Rainer sighed, he thought he would be rejected, but he didn't give up before he got a good reason, especially when she said she wanted to kiss him when they were at the bar, "You ... don't want to?"

Gaea looked down deeply, not wanting to see the look of disappointment on his face, "It's not like that. I just don't think it's the right situation."

They are indeed going on date, she also feels excited, but kissing? She felt it was too far.