Rainer's Confession

"Why did you do that!?" Gaea shouted angrily.

"I'm just being honest with Eryk," Rainer replied innocently.

Gaea understands being honest is good, it's just that this is Eryk who they are talking about, "He's going to get mad at us, Rainer!"

"He won't," Rainer assured her.


"You're nothing but his fake fianceé," said Rainer coldly, which immediately made Gaea look down sadly. He immediately regretted his words, he got carried away and spoke honestly about her relationship with Eryk. He walked over to her, pressed their foreheads tenderly, "Sorry about what I said earlier, I just want you to be more notice me," to be able to say that to Eryk was a pleasure for him.

Gaea distanced herself, she even turned her body because she was too disappointed, "What do you mean, Rainer? I've always noticed you."

"I know you notice me, but not in the sense of a friend," Rainer replied, hinting at her how he felt.