Katherine (The Truth)

In a situation like this, he hoped she would just change position, however ... he felt her let go of his hand that was on her waist.

At that moment, the sound of the bed squeaked could be heard ...

Eryk tried to stop himself from pretending to be asleep, his hands already about to embrace Katherine's body, lead her into his arms again, making sure his fear just imagination, not true.

But ...

"Finally ..." Katherine muttered in relief, staring intensely at Eryk sleeping on the bed. She furrowed her brows for a moment before turning to pick up her cell phone. She was grateful he didn't check her cell phone because she was still busy texting, "Hm ..." she muttered again when she read the message she received.

From: Boss

Our plans change now, Katherine. She comes your way.

Katherine glanced back at the sleeping Eryk, then returned the message.

To: Boss

Then what about Eryk?