The Truth (Lola Enzo Part 3)

"They're still alive, thank Sebastian for telling me not to do anything extraordinary," said Lola.

"I see," Eryk replied, his sight and body still not fully recovered.

"I suggest going to the hospital quick, Mr. Enzo," said the Doctor calmly. He also wanted to quickly get out of this dangerous family, which considered killing was extraordinary.

"I will," Eryk replied softly, "And, she's coming too." He glanced at Katherine, who's still unconscious.


Eryk asked the hospital where Doctor Harry worked instead of the doctor hospital Kervyn paid for.

The doctor did not protest, he gave a note about the poison, and how he had handled Eryk.

Eryk asked Doctor Harry to come here straight away because there was no way he could let Sebastian look after the three men Kervyn's hires, even they were injured.

Lola was impossible because she was still in a state that had not fully recovered.