The Interrogation

Eryk asked Doctor Harry not to come home earlier because he still needed something.

Doctor Harry was clearly confused and asked what else he has to do.

"You will see, Doctor Harry," Eryk says before entering the garage of his car where there was a man Kervyn hired tied to a pillar.

Doctor Harry, who is curious, follows Eryk. He stopped right in front of the strange man who was sitting with his mouth tie by a cloth, "You want to hurt them? Eryk, I don't have time to do this."

"I won't hurt them if they give me what I want," Eryk admitted with cold eyes to Kervyn's hired man.

Doctor Harry just took a deep breath. Another normal day taking care of the Enzo family matters. He thought again, why would he still want to be the personal doctor of this dangerous family? "Let me warn me you this time. You hurt them, then our deal is over. You know what you want, Eryk."

"Of course," Eryk answered still with his eyes on the hired man.