The Letter

Eryk immediately checked the flight to Sitka, and there was no flight there today. If this is the case, the only way is to rent a private plane or jet like Kervyn did.

'They left today must be looking for something.'

It's still early, Eryk can rent and leave tonight at the latest to get a flight permit.

'Renting a private jet ...'

This will drain his bank account so deeply, while Eryk is trying to reduce the excessive use of money.

Rainer suggested using his money too, as long as he could go straight to Sitka today, he didn't care.

Eryk appreciated the help. He is also not picky about the private jet he will rent today.

'I've finished booking, just waiting for their readiness and the full price.'

Eryk started to tidy up his things. He thought for a moment whether he should bring a gun there. After all, he will deal with Kervyn.

'He must have gone all out to get a gun.'