Awkward Dinner

Tok. Tok. Tok.

"Gaea? Kervyn? You there?"

Kervyn had to stop checking the contents of the suitcase. He hates doing something when someone interrupts him.

Gaea hastily opened the door to her room before her mother thought negatively, "Sorry Mom, Kervyn wants to see my room, we forgot."

Lily didn't answer right away, her wrinkled eyes checking her daughter's entire body, making sure nothing had happened while they were alone. She could see her daughter was still 'the same' as the last time she saw her, "Are you done? The crabs will get cold soon, Gaea."

Gaea nodded understandingly, "Kervyn, are you sure you don't want to eat?"

Kervyn gritted his teeth.

Don't she know he's busy here?

"Ethan will bring you dessert if you still choose to rest," Lily says softly.

Kervyn was instantly intrigued by the name 'Ethan', "He's coming to dinner too?"

"Yes, I can't bear it, he will have dinner with us," Lily explained softly.