She's Not Yours ...!

Gaea was sure she had locked the door tightly twice. Then she remembered that Ethan had broken into her room before. She was sure he had planned this the next time she came back to Sitka.

His plan worked.

Gaea's eyes widened as she felt his other hand start to explore her body sensually from her left shoulder, then lower down.

"You've become even more beautiful," whispered Ethan in his husky voice.

Gaea tried to struggle, but she couldn't kick his 'privacy' because his position was between her thighs, putting her legs out of reach. She immediately thought quickly when she felt his hand begin to squeeze her chest roughly.

'Think, Gaea! Think! Don't let him do what he wants ...! You're a strong woman now ...!'

Gaea fought back all her fears by forcing her trembling body to move first, trying to get her body to 'cooperate' with her. This also made him even rougher on her chest. She wanted to cry feeling all of this.

She felt dirty ...