An equal and opposite reaction - 1

"Tick off what?" 

Caroline looked at him, surprised. Part pissed too. But he had already moved behind her, like a man on a mission. His fingers lightly brushed her back, trying to collect her locks, and she instantly felt a shiver run down her spine.

'This man!'

Did he know that he could disarm her just like this?

Was he doing this deliberately to cool her off?

His fingers were light as feathers. He ran them through her hair, taking care not to touch her as he collected them into a bunch and tied them up gently using the scrunchie.

She turned towards him, and lifting her left hand, she checked her ponytail. The height was right, there was no stray hair except for the baby hair she was about to brush away, but he lightly pushed them away from her temple. Little flicks of his fingers over her skin.

If he had asked her right then to will him everything she owned, she probably would have done that without the bat of an eyelid.