Her bathrobe !

Upon reaching Vegas's city limits, Caroline searched for hotels nearby.

"We can go to the Viva La Vegas. The rooms look nice, and it seems at a good price bucket."

Morpheus gave a cursory glance at the price chart on her phone screen and shook his head.

"What's wrong with this one?" She seemed a bit annoyed.

"Good bucket for you but not for me!" Morpheous replied frankly.

"Oh, come on, Morpheous. I can afford it. Why are you so hesitant about taking money from me all the time?"

"Just give me one day, Caroline, and you will not be complaining after that."

She scrunched her nose and muttered, "I am not complaining. I am just saying." 

He looked at her cute annoyed face for a moment and lightly smiled. 


"It's nothing!" And he kept on driving.

"Oh, come on! Vomit it out!"

He sighed and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "You… You look cute even when you are angry."