The person that I love

His hands trembled as he opened that piece of paper, and suddenly his face turned distraught, and she couldn't help but get tense herself.

"Now, do you know what I am talking about, Morpheous?" She asked as he looked at the eyes she had drawn in disbelief. She was trying to put on a brave face, but deep down, she was frightened to death. What if a part of him was actually possessed by someone like he told before? What if he was actually sired by the devil?

"Where did you see this? Where did you see this person, Caroline?" His face looked worried to death.

"What? What person are you talking about, Morpheous? It's you… Your eyes turn like this. You become…"

"But these are Satan's eyes. Lord Diabolos eyes. You see…" He pointed his fingers at the blue bolt at the center of the eye. "Only he possesses this shade of blue. Nobody else in our world has such a flickering bolt."