Nubeous wakes up

On the verge of death.... Nubeous couldn't help but regret every single decision that he had taken. He regretted the look on the face of Morpheous, he regretted the look on Alaya's face as she transitioned back to earth and above all he regretted for letting his father down.

He deserved it all.

With the deed in the hands of the dark lord and with his death, Lord Diabolos was going to unleash hell on Vanaheimr. And in the back of his head he could see his land burning into ashes. 

Writhing in pain, unable to even call Alaya to see her for one last time, he was about to close his eyes, but then all of a sudden everything turned blue.

Barely able to open his eyes, he tried to see what was happening, but all he could see was the hazy figure of a man who raised his palm and cast a bolt in his direction.


