The mystery is revealed - 2

Wincing in pain, Nebulous watched the blood drip away from his hand.

"What is wrong with you? Are you insane?" And like his normal response, he raised his palm, wanting to use his powers to push her away. But nothing happened.

"You are a human Nubeous. All that is not going to work on me. So you better sit there and reflect on your mistakes."

"Enough Caroline!" Echoed a firm voice from behind and that made Nubeous forget about his pain.

"Morpheous! You are real?"

"Argghhhh….!" He screamed as he pulled the fork out of his hand and then looked at both of them as they stood in front of him.

"Surprised much?" Caroline muttered sarcastically as she threw a clean cotton towel towards Nubeous.

"So whatever I saw… You save me from the terrace top. You slowed time. That was all… All real."

But Morpheous didn't bother to reply. His face looked calm. The sort of calmness that oceans bore before an impending storm.