The coin of trade - 1

"Your father's?"

"How can this be your father's?"

"This is insane!"

Caroline stepped back as she muttered. 

"This isn't possible right? Why will God mark me right? Must be a mistake. Let me see it again." And saying that she frantically rushed towards the mirror again and started twisting and turning in front of it again.

But it was the same. A black trident with yellow mark.

On the other hand Morpheous walked towards Mogwai and asked, "What do you know about my father's mark?"

And she could see the eyes of Mogwai sparkle all of a sudden.

"I speak… But I speak with a price!"

"And what would that be?"

"My freedom. A coin of trade!" Mogwai crossed his arms as he spoke. 

Morpheous looked at Caroline for a second and then looked back at Mogwai. "Where was Dr. Rosie's residence? Do you know the address."