Chapter 16- Family Night (1)

Juni swerved around in his chair that fateful Friday morning in his office chair as he noted down Angela Mandela's personality facts and tried to think of how best it would be approach her views and perspective when they meet.

He pressed a button on his table and soon enough after that,Mark came in.

"Hey there boss, ready to hear your schedules now?"The secretary required as Juni Cartel,that morning had come in feeling a bit tired and hazy that he had told Mark to give him some time to relax in his office before starting the day. That was 7:54am

Now it is 9:04am

"Hey there , Beyonce"Juni replied and smiled to himself

"Do not call me that"Mark cringed and reprimanded

"Are you my boss or..?"Juni asked raising an eyebrow playfully

"No,you are my boss and glad you are good enough to joke around a bit now"Mark said as he sighed while a smirk was almost finding it place to his mischievous boss's face.

"That was no joke"Juni said seriously and then added "and yeah,let me know what I have going on for the day"

Mark sighed again as he brought out his notebook

"You have a book review meeting by 10am,An appointment set with Charles Wickson at 12pm "Mark paused dramatically waiting for the to.sink in before continuing and it did as Juni acknowledged it smiling widely

"Yeah , right, awesome,hope you sent those gifts I told you to send over?"Juni asked

"Yes boss and…-"Mark tried to continue but was interrupted

"Oh wait,that reminds me,Get the most expensive perfume , package it nicely ,also get a car toy and send it over to Angela's as a gift from the company"Juni instructed

Mark raised an eyebrow at that which ofcourse Juni noticed and then inquired

"What ?"


"Okay.."Juni said staring at his secretary suspiciously before adding "anything else?"

"Yeah,just family night though"Mark concluded grinning

The editor smiled at that .He ,his wife and son had dedicated every Friday night as a family night where they all sit on the wide couch in the sitting room, watching movies and eating popcorn

Even the thought was relaxing

"Okay,you can go"Juni finally said to his secretary

"Yes boss"Mark said and turned to the door to leave but hesitated at the door step,not looking back ,he asked "Do you think it's professional to send Angela a gift?"

Juni Cartel always had a straight answer .

"Yes it is" and with that,Mark stepped out and shut the door behind him leaving Juni in his thoughts



After doing the tasks


Lunch with the older Editor went smoothly and just as the 55 year old man had said ,he had shared strategies with Juni without demanding for anything in demand.

Juni was no doubt atonished at how much the guy had shared with them with no fee in return that he was almost tempted to ask but he didn't.

He remembered a bit of the conversation stuck in his mind as he droved his came back to his office at 1:34pm

"You are lucky ,you have a young built body"

"Charles had said

"What do you mean,sir?Juni asked as he sipped a bit of his tea

"What do you think when.the brand told you to use any methods possible?"Charles asked

"Ohhh…"Juni had said not waiting to seem like he didn't understand when instead he was going through his mind.


The conversation was still Juni's mind as he packed his load and stuff at 6:30pm for the weekend when suddenly his phone rang out.

He grabbed it in seconds when he read the name on it , "Angela"

"Hello ?"Juni called out

"He..hey"Angela managed to.slur out as in her drunken state.

"Is something wrong?"Juni asked

"No..p"Angela popped out

As Juni realized that she was drunk,he sighed and looked at his watch which read "6:58pm"

then said "Which bar are you?"

"Palm rangers"Angela croacked out

"Ok,just wait there, I'm on my way"Juni said as he cut the call and bounded down the hall ignoring the goodnight greeting from.his secretary,if he wanted to get home early for "family night".he needed to do that.