Chapter 23 - Hell of a night (2)

"For tonight, please feel free to call me just Angela, that title makes me feel old "she said as making him chuckle as she led him to a part of the condo where a table was set filled with a perfect meal for two, apparently her son was fast asleep and the nanny has been sent home early. He couldn't believe he was having dinner with the one of the best-selling authors. To

"While a part of Juni was wondering what the hell he was doing having with a single mother at 8pm,a certain part of him kept reassuring him ,it was all for the business. He ignored both sides and took a neutral stance as he took a seat and she took one across from him.

Midway during the meal, she proceeded to talk "So, Mr. cartel.-?" but he interrupted her sentence as he raised his finger up "Well, if I have to call you Angela tonight, Ms. Mandela, ,you have to called me Juni, I don't think we are that far apart in age"

She laughed and he had to admit, it was amusing to hear the sound of her laughter as she said "Okay, that's a deal ." he was just about to add something to it when his phone on the table buzzed with a notification which he ignored since he was it was an email from mark ,but the phone screen was lit long enough for Angela to notice his wallpaper which was his son and couldn't resist asking "Is that your son? He's so cute, how old he is?"

"Oh yeah, he is and he's still just four years" Juni thinking this was a good opportunity to make her more comfortable proceeded to tell her more about his son and soon enough, she opened up about her son and they shared stories about them totally forgetting business for a second until Angela stood up in all her glory and proceeded to pack the dishes away and Juni offered to help but she declined saying "No ,I'm the host here, let me just pack them away, I will do them soon after you leave"

As she turned her back to him, He looked at him wristwatch which read "9:21pm".he hoped Carmen would not be mad at him as Angela came back into sight as she sat, she said "So, Mr ... sorry "she chuckled before continuing " Juni, I went over the proposal again and believe me, I'm not being arrogant but my standards are higher than that mainly and solely because I only make my living off this Writing Career and I intend to make the most of it.

"So, I'm guessing this is because of the financial stats right? "Juni inquired already rolling the wheels in his head on how to make a personal request to the headquarters if it could be possible to raise the deal offer a bit more since the maximum annually for an writer they signed was $5000 which was now what Angela Mandela had just refused

"Affirmative" She replied

"Okay, I will work on it, boss" He said curtly and she chuckled but then her phone buzzed and she excused herself to go take the call while Juni quickly sent a quick text to his wife "Will be home by 10:30pm ish"

Babe – "Okay"

Okay, that was strange, normally she would be freaking out by now but she just gave a blunt answer, he was about to type right back to ask when Angela came back, the glint of warmness in her eyes were fading like the phone call practically drained it out of her, so much that he was tempted to ask as he searched her eyes "Is there a problem?"

"No, not really" She replied as she took her seat opposite from him before adding "so.."

"I guess it must be personal" Juni thought to himself but he realized he had said it aloud when she sighed and responded "Yeah it is..", he quickly tried to apologize hoping he hadn't ruined her evening but she stopped him sighing again "It's my son's father, he's suing for custody, the final verdict trial is on Wednesday and he just called to threaten me again"

He could see the man scared her very much and Juni, being the smart gentle man knew emotional pressure might stop the woman from signing and feeling friendly, he offered to help "What if I can help you turn the case in your favor?"

She looked at him with arched eyebrows "and how do you intend to do that, Mr Cartel?"

He chuckled "action speaks louder than words in my world, Ms. Mandela .are you free tomorrow?"

"I will be if it helps keep my son with me, I assure you, it will" She replied

"Great. I will give you a call when its time" He concluded

"This is not a bribe right because I still won't sign if the deal offer is not increased" she smirked causing him to chuckle as he looked at his wristwatch which read "9:43pm"

"Not everything is a bribe ma'am, I'm human too" Juni stated making her smile as he stood up adding "well, thanks for dinner Angela, I should get going now, it's late"

"No problem, Juni, thanks for tonight." She said when he got into the elevator

"No, you, thank you " Juni said with a smile which was plastered on his face all the way HOME.