Chapter 33 - Will be fine

"what the hell, Juni?" Carmen Cartel asked as soon as Juni stepped into the living room that night

She had been waiting for him, fuming around all day.

Juni sighed as he put down his briefcase, he wasn't ready for another of Camren's agruments when he needed her help and not when he was this tired of life, they don't have agruments often but when they do, Carmen being a lawyer would literally suck life out of him.

Juni took a seat on the couch's arm and proceeded to take off his coat jacket

"What is it now,Carmen?I already had a miserable day,please don't make it worse and just state what the matter is huh"Juni said

" What?!"Carmen yelled rhetorically as she continued on "You had a miserable day?what about me? Angela Mandela 's idiotic manager chose my law firm as her legal representation against you and your company and I had to sit there and see everyone look at me with pitiful eyes that my husband didn't find me attractive enough that he had to go harass another woman sexually and then blackmailed her"Carmen concluded

The shock that came over Juni could be said to be electric as he sat there speechless not knowing what to say,if she had heard that side of the story,what if she didn't believe him?he asked just to confirm

"Do you believe that?"

"Ofcourse Not" Carmen yelled "but you should atleast tell me when things like this are going on,Juni,what exactly happened and when has this been happening?I just heard of the law suit today because they didn't want to tell me but the case has been brought to the firm since last week"Carmen concluded with a calm concerned voice

Juni sighed "I just heard of the law suit today too when I went in to give my review,and about what exactly happened,I want to talk to you about it but not tonight,today has been really miserable for me babe"Juni said laying his head back on the couch

Carmen was immediately by his side, drawing his crumbled self to her

"It's gonna be okay , baby. Do you want some tea or should we go straight to bed? Derek is already tucked in early.We can talk about this tomorrow"

Juni sighed against and then managed to sit up before replying "bed, let's go to bed."

"Okay" she replied and that was what they did .

None of them could really get any sleep that night but they enjoyed the comfort of the bed as each was lost in their own thoughts of what this meant for them.

Juni couldnt stop thinking about why Angela was doing this to him ,he also worried about his secretary ,how freaked out he would be when he sees that nothing can be done to stop this, nothing at all,he couldn't even get a lawyer,what's the point of going silently if he gets a lawyer,if this became public and he was still proven guilty,after all there was no evidence to say he was innocent,it would only ruin Juni and his family's reputation .he thought of what he was going to do after being laid of the job, how he would face his father in law or anyone else, he was totally losing everything except for his family and that's matters alot. He thought as he pulled Carmen closer against him.

Carmen on the other hand was torn between defending her husband or sticking with the ethics,she trusts him quite all right but she wondered if that would be enough for the world to see him the way she sees him.she sighed deeply as she shifted closer into Juni's warmth

The future seemed so cloudy.

Morning came with Carmen pacing up and down the kitchen slowly while brewing coffee and blending Juice when Juni came trudging slowly down the stairs looking lie he did the previous night, meaning he hadn't taken his bath yet.

"I know this is hard to hear but you still have to go to work , Juni, Yes there will be penalties for you but if you miss work like this, I don't think there will be any respect left for you"Carmen noted

Juni sighed running his hand through his hair as he moved closer to you her "and good morning to you too babe,Derek still asleep?it's 7am"

"I'm not joking , Juniand yes Derek is still asleep"Carmen said glaring at him and moving away as he tried to peck her

"We need to talk then you can head on to work"she added

Juni frowned slightly" I thought you knew since the case is with you guys"

" Knew what?i don't have all the details since this might be kind of personal to me,I'm restricted from certain information"

Carmen explained

"Ohh.."Juni exclaimed

" Can we talk about it now?" Carmen asked distributing coffee into two different coffee cups

Juni sighed taking a seat on our of the kitchen stools "okay, let's talk"

"Sugar?" She asked him

"Nah, I will take it black" he replied and took the cup from her as she passed it to him

"Why would Angela accuse you of sexually harrasing her when you didn't?" Carmen asked slowly as she put off the whirring blender and took a seat herself

"I don't know, babe , I don't know but.." Juni paused

"But what?" Carmen prodded

"Something happened on that Friday night and it's not my fault at all"Juni finally said

" What happened? "Carmen inquired as she took a sip of hercoffee

Juni proceeded to tell her about what had happened how her friends had teased him till they left

Carmen didn't know how to react this so she just sipped her coffee until her lawyer instincts kicked in

"This might be more for her sake than for you, second, with what you just told me, there's no need to get a lawyer, there's no way they will believe a man who was alone with a woman at night is innocent, just accept whatever concequences comes, we will figure things out together okay? "Carmen ended with worry in her voice

'don't worry babe, plus I already accepted the concequences, that's why I'm still at home"Juni said taking a sip of coffee casually

Carmen swirled around quickly from where she was pouring the juice into a cup for her son

"Wait, what? What do you mean ?" She asked hurriedly without pause

Juni put down his empty cup on the counter and stated plainly

" I was fired yesterday,u thought you knew"

Carmen was agaoed and she didn't notice when the coffee cup.slipped from hands to the floor breaking into tiny bits,Juni quickly ran to her side and pulled her away from the mess and made her sit on a kitchen stool as he proceeded to sweep the mug shards

"That's wrong" Carmen finally said

"It will be fine babe"Juni said coming to her side

" No,this is unfair.i have to know more about this case,we need to do something about this"Carmen said frantically as he voice broke down

" Hey babe"Juni said hugging her to himself as he heard her let out a sob "it's going to be fine,Im going to be fine, don't risk your Job for me,okay?"

" No,this is unfair"Carmen stated again and pulled away from the hug,drying her eyes rapidly she added "it's unfair and I'm going to.fix it".

Juni just sighed slowly watching her as she took the juice in the cup and headed upstairs to Derek's room.

"Oh shit, it's 9am" Juni said and was rushing to put on his shirt when he stopped and started chuckling to himself

"What's Wrong with you, Juni Cartel?" Juni thought to himself and proceeded to wear his shirt more calmly. Carmen had left for work quietly obviously still upset after the school bus had come to Derek.

Juni slipped into his Ferrari and drove off , heading to the office.

"Good morning,Mr Cartel,did you get held up or something?you are coming in late" Sammy greeted

"Something was up.I will get back to you soon, Sammy but not this week.okay?"Juni said almost immediately

Sammy smiled slightly and nodded.

Juni trudged down the hallway to his office where he was met by a less excited Mark who didn't even point out that Juni was late

"Good Morning Beyonce" Juni said smiling , showing no traces of sadness what so ever

"Good morning , Mr Cartel ,and I told you not to call me that" Mark grumbled as he closed Juni's office door and made his way in

" And when do I ever listen to you?" Juni asked with a smirk flopping on his chair as he brought out some document in the desk out

"Never" Mark replied with a smile

"Glad you remember, so. Any appointments today?"

Juni asked with a smile

"Just the printing press by 1pm"

Mark answered looking up from his note pad

" Okay"Juni said and kept bringing out more documents when he noticed Mark still standing there not saying a word

"What's it , Beyonce?" Juni sighed

"You know it's real now right?. I asked around yesterday and even found out she got a restricting order against you,did you get a lawyer?"Mark asked ,his voice barely audible

Juni just smiled and shrugged

" Well, I guess Clements is losing their best editor and No, I didn't. There's no point except I want to make this public ,that came from the best lawyer ,you and I both know and I just can't ruin my family's life"Juni explained plainly

" Are you okay, Boss? "Mark asked in concern

Juni smiled "I will be fine".