Chapter 35 - Okay?

Juni woke up to the smell of brewed coffee strong in his nostrils, he let out a groan at the interruption of his dreamland, the only place he could act like everything was alright

"Morning.." his wife's calm voice floated to him and he slowly sat up from the couch had slept off on

"You should have come to bed, I don't bite, you know?" she added and Juni just smiled at her not wanting to tell her he had thought she needed some time and space\

"Coffee?" she offered him a cup from the table she was sitting on confirming his thoughts

He collected it from her and took a sip ,his brain came alive and he replied her previous statement

"Morning to you too, babe. How did your night go?" He asked with a smile

"restless at first but then smooth, yours?" she replied

"rough" he replied chuckling, referring to the fact that he had spent it on a couch.

"Not my fault" she replied with a smile as she stood up preparing to go back to her morning duties

Juni chuckled before asking "No good morning kiss?"

She scoffed "You really are unbelievable"

"I know right" he replied still holding on to her

"Let me go, Juni" she requested while struggling strongly to get away from his firm yet soft grip

"You can only try" Juni commented with a chuckle

"You don't want to dare me" She said glaring at him, Juni just chuckled and requested again showing no action that he was feeling threatened which angered Carmen the more hardening her glare

"Just one kiss "he implored her softly this time knowing she was reaching her patience limit

Her glare soften and she smiled right before she yanked herself away from him "Go brush your teeth, old man"

"Yes mom" he replied chuckling knowing how much that will hit her nerve

She sent a glare his way as she walked away. sJuni had completely forgotten about last night's event and was wondering whether it was real or not but that question was answered when Carmen called out on her way out

"And Juni…?"

"yeah.." he replied

"I don't regret our marriage "She concluded and was out of the sitting room by the time he turned around. The smile on his face was brighter than the rising morning sun.

"hey there, little man" Juni said on seeing his son sitting on his high chair in the kitchen who giggled

"Daddy" the 4 year old boy called out amidst giggles as Juni tickled him

"Juni, don't let him fall off" Carmen warned as she removed the toast from the toaster but Juni was not listening as he had lifted Derek on his shoulders and was bouncing around the house with him as they were both screaming with excitement "Wheeeeeeee"

They both loved mornings like this and so did Carmen but she didn't let it show as she usually reprimand them and this was usually on the weekends so it was a bit sad to watt h the moment for Carmen as it meant that their lives were gradually changing ,the question was it is for better or for worse?

Carmen asked herself as she watched the boxes of documents Juni has started piling up in the sitting room gradually.

The question remained unanswered through the morning as she took Derek from his father's arms and dressed him up for school and soon after left for work herself leaving Juni who was still bathing in the shower after the family morning breakfast .

Juni Cartel got to work late that morning looking as cheerful as ever as he strode down the hallway that led to his office where a certain surprisingly beaming secretary was waiting for him

"Morning, Mr Cartel " Mark greeted

"Morning Beyonce,what's up with you?"Juni asked upon entering his office

"What do you mean?" Mark answered following his trail and closed the door behind him as he stepped into the office

Juni Cartel was never one to beat around the bush so he just replied plainly "Well, for starters, you are beaming like you just got your period after fearing that you might be pregnant for a while"

"Eww" Mark said expressing his disgust at the thought "I was just trying to finally accept the situation and go with flow just like you are, I'm not going to sit around moping all day when I know you are going to be better than ever ,right?" he added and Juni sent him a smile across from where he was seated on his swirling office chair

"well,I don't know yet but better, that's what I'm aiming for" Juni replied

As Mark nodded and beamed with pride shinning nbrightly in his eyes as he bent down to continue the packing of documents which were now a bit scattered across the room into a box "Now,that's the boss I know and respect"

Noon came and met Juni and Mark where they were still packing up when a knock was heard on the door, Juni and Mark looked at each other in confusion before Juni gestured for Mark to see who was at the door, Mark nodded and walked out the door closing it behind him as Juni wondered who that could be .

He came back in later with a look that his boss couldn't decipher but made sure to click the lock silently as he came in

"Spill" The editor ordered

"Its Charles" He answered but before it could click in his head ,Mark added "Charles. Charles Wood and he doesn't seem to know a damn thing. he wants to see you just to talk, I told him to go wait in the company cafeteria though that you are busy right now"

"Why would you say that?" Juni asked standing up and straightening his sleeves

"Well, if he doesn't know then I don't think he should know." Mark answered matter of fact like then added staring at his boss "so what are you going to do?"

Juni just sighed as he tightened his tie properly and grabbed his coat jacket

"I'm going to go see him " he replied

"Leave those, Go back to your office at the door till I'm back" He instructed his secretary refring to the documents he was previously arranging

"But I can do it without your supervision" Mark whined out from where he stood then gulped when he saw the glare his boss sent his way and quickly changed his voice tone and replied "Yes boss"

"Good" Juni said going out the door and closed it behind him.

Mark sighed "He doesn't deserve this from there,none of this" he said and proceeded to leave the room giving it one last look before closing the door.

Juni walked briskly through the company's cafeteria nodding at a few greetings he recieved with a smile with his eyes searching rapidly for the older editor who was also his opponent and editor.

He sighted the 55 year old man sitting along by himself with a glass of cup in front of him

Juni quickly walked as fast as he could to him

"Good afternoon, Mr Woods" he greeted just as soon as he got near the table . the older man stood up and held his hands out for a handshake which Juni didn't hesitate to recieve enthusiastically like nothing was wrong

"Hey there , Juni".he ha said

After they had both taken their seats opposite each other, a guy wearing a t-shirt with the company's logo on in came forth and requested for their order

"A pineapple juice,


Charles ordered and Juni also requested for the same which was brought about fine minutes later.

"So how's Work been?" Charles asked starting the conversation as he slipped from his juice with a juice while Juni just lifted his directly to his lips

"Well, good so far, yours?" Juni answered

"It seems okay" Charles answered and Juni noticed he had not asked about the competition yet and quickly decided to keep it that way

They continued talking on and on till about 4pm which was about 2hours later to when the meeting started, they talked about their families, Charles talked about how his 23yeat old son keeps being a rebel and is staying away from home and told Juni to watch out for Derek, the later justchuckled and agreed to. Then they talked about the government and politics, they talked about the company's growth and all until.

"Did you hear the company is opening a new branch soon?" The old editor asked

Juni stared in disbelief, what could they be building a new branch for, not that they couldn't manage it but since he failed the competition, there was no way they needed another one unless they intend to give it to him. Juni thought and for a brief moment, he smiled sadly

What if this was a rite, a rite to get him promoted ? What if they were trying to scare him off and see if he was fit for the position? He kept thinking and the thoughts couldn't stop until it was interrupted by Charles calling him

"Juni? Juni?... Is everything okay?"