Chapter 37- A million questions

"Babe.." Carmen called out from where she laid, her head on her husband's broad shoulder , her hand subconsciously caressing his hairy hand slightly as she listened to the sound of his beating heart on against her ear on their bed.

It was Thursday night, another stressful day for Juni after packing up most of his documents from the office,the sitting room corner was getting filled up so fast.After all, tommorow would be his last day in the company.

"Yeah...?" Juni replied , his voice at a minimum with his hands around her, he caressed her hand up and down slowly

"Well..." Carmen said then went silent making Juni chuckle slightly

"Wow,the great Carmen Cartel out of words,I never thought I would live to see the day after all,you always have lots to say"Juni teased

" Ouch"He feigned pain when he felt her hit him repeatedly on the chest with her free hand

"You are such a dummy,here I am trying to say something important that needs to be said and I'm trying to find the words"Carmen reprimanded him

" Okay, okay"Juni finally said amidst chuckles as the pain of her hits started getting through to him"so my dear wife, what do you have to say?" He added slowly trying to lay emphasis

"Not so serious either" she said raising her head up at him

Juni chuckled "now, I don't know what to do, honestly"

"Just shut up and listen, jeez"Carmen instructed, obviously annoyed

" Okay Mom"Juni said curtly while Carmen just sighed

" Dad wants us to come see him on Sunday and wants me to check with you, I feel like I should refuse him since you obviously aren't ready to face him yet, are you? "Carmen inquired bringing one of his worst fears out to the surface

Not only had he failed his wife and secterary, but he was also going to lose the little acknowledgement he had from his father in law.

He wanted to refuse because ofcourse, he wasn't ready to face the old man yet but how long could he do that for? Why not face his problems once and for all?He could go see the the rich CEO of Demi Pharmeticals and try to avoid talking about his job at all cost. Juni instructed his mind even though that was easier said that done

"So babe, do you have any objections? I very much understand if you don't want to meet him for now,for reals"Carmen commented raising her head up when no reply was forthcoming from her husband

Juni drew her back to him, laying her head slowly on his chest "No babe, it's fine,.tell him, we will be there, okay? "

" Are you sure? "Carmen's warm breathed whistled on his naked chest

"I have to face him at some time and why not now?" Juni said sighing

"You don't have to force yourself" Carmen advised as she continued tracing random shapes on his body with her finger.

"I'm not" Juni concluded

"Okay" Carmen finally agreed and no other word was said on that matter that Thursday night as Juni kissed his wife's forehead , drawing her closer to him and fell asleep with her in his arms.

Life couldnt get worse, could it? He thought.

"babe.. babe" The voice rang over in Juni's Dreamland until he was forced to open his eyes to peer into two ocean eyes hovering over his, he scrunched his eyes repeatedly until he could open it wide while the eyes disappeared from his sight.

"Good morning" The voice said again

By the time his eyes was fully awake, he saw a shadow looming over him which belonged to his wife

"Morning babe" he said groggily as he sat up in bed

She smiled down at him

"It's 8am,you know? Had arough night?" She asked

He smiled slightly " Nah,I was just a bit stressed over the week"

" Ok but Mr Cartel,you have got to get your ass moving,you have an office to give up and a dream to start"Carmen reminded him

Right,they have had a side talk about him building his own business and it was 40% approved for now.

"Okay,Mrs Cartel.. heading to work already?how about Derek?" He asked standing up and stretching

" Like I said,Mr Cartel,it's 8am,Derek is probably already at school and I have to be at work by 9am ,you know"she said as she grabbed her bag

" Leaving so soon? "Juni asked as he held on to her by pulling her closer to him by the waist, taking a deep inhale of her nice orange scent perfume

"Juni, I can't be late okay?"Carmen said , her voice at a minimum as she struggled weakly to get away from his grip

She wasn't trying to at all, they both knew why but it was just never the right time and it definitely wasn't the right time, currently. Juni thought as he fought his desires and pulled away from her

She sent him a glare as he chuckled "sorry" he said quickly and ducked into the bathroom leaving an unsatisfied Carmen in their bedroom

"You will be sorry, soon enough Juni Cartel" she called out but she wasn't sure he could hear her as she heard the sound of running water

She chuckled to her self then sighed as she straightened her composure , grabbed her car keys and walked out the room, closing the door behind her.

She wasn't exactly going to work today, she was going to see Angela Mandela, she had gone through the case files, if Juni wasn't her husband, she would for sure believe that the allegations were true but he was her husband and she trusted him enough not to believe he could sexually harass another woman not to talk of blackmailing her. No , Juni Cartel, the guy she had met those years ago and fell in love with was not that kind of man. He was her man and he still is. He may have given up but she wouldn't, she needed to get to the bottom of this because she was sure there was some foul play involved , one that even Juni refuses to tell her. She was going to reveal it no matter how they try to keep it hidden. She thought to herself as she drove out of the driveway.

Juni came out of the bathroom still with a sad smile on his face as he remembered which day it was.

It was his last day at Clements Publishers, the place where his dream all began, the company was a huge part of his life and having to leave it so soon felt like torture to the young editor .

He dried his hair with a small towel standing in front of the mirror and then moved on to wipe his body

Slipping into his work trousers and a shirt which was left unbuttoned, he made his way down the stairs to brew coffee for himself, at the last minute, he threw some bread in the toaster after realizing that he was going to be late for nothing, after all he was only going there to pick up some document and the pieces of his heart that was shattered.

His severance pay had been sent to him yesterday, his resolve almost broke him as he stared at the bank email but quickly shrugged it off and put on a cheerful smile before  anyone could see him .

Juni sighed as he slowly took a bite of his toast and then a sip of his coffee as he scrolled through the company blog , there was nothing new yet except something that caught his eye

"Clements signs two best sellers together at the same time, massive win for the company"

Juni was just about to click on the Article features picture to view the entire details when a call came through

It was Mark sounding quite nervous

"Morning, Mr Cartel"

"Hey Beyonce"

Juni said ,his voice booming cheerfully

" Are you on your way yet?" Mark asked again

"No,but I will be soon"Juni replied

" I don't know if telling you this would be a bad idea or a wrong idea but.."Mark paused

" But what?"Juni asked slowly thinking of what more could have gone wrong

"Well.." Mark started to say but was interrupted

"Spill now, Beyonce" Juni ordered sounding serious

" Angela Mandela is here"Mark said rapidly making it hard to hear but Juni did ,the toast fell from.his hand into the bin as he started buttoning his shirt as fast as he could

Juni could literally feel and see his life hope in front of him as he ran upthe stairs with the phone glued to his ear with his shoulder's help,he started tucking in his shirt rapidly

"Shit" he said lowly,his voice at a minimum as he noticed he couldn't knot his tie, but then grabbed his coat jacket and shoes bounding down the stairs while bombarding his secretary with a million questions

"Wait,what?why?how? why's she there?to see me ?in my office or the cafeteria? who's she with?her manager or her friends?I'm on my freaking way tho"

"Mr Cartel,She's here.Getting signed " Mark finally said